Maritime Metal Documentary IndieGoGo Campaign

It has been 6 months since the first IndieGoGo Campaign. It went well considering it was over the X-Mas holiday. This week a second round was launched to help fund the film. Check it out @
Over the last 6 months we have interviewed a slew of ex-Maritimers in Montreal and Toronto. Including Ken (creator of the original Maritime Metal website and ex-Realms Of Despair) Dunlop (ex-Soul Devourer, ex-Burning Moon, former promoter from Fredericton) along with former members of Unbidden, Church, Uigg and founding member of Holy Cost (now based in Montreal) some of these appear in a new Promotion Video made for the IndieGoGo Campaign. I do believe this one will showcase the quality and narrative of the final film. You can check it out below.
We also will be in the Maritime’s between June 8th and June 24th to wrap up filming with Bands, Promoters, Fans. The Flights and Hotels have been booked and all that is left is contacting Metalheads to set up Date/Time/Venue for each interview.
The dates for each City is as follows:
Fredericton: June 8th and 9th – Hotel Booked
Saint John: June 10th and 11th – Hotel Booked
Moncton: June 12th, 13th, and 14th
Charlottetown: June 15th and 16th
Halifax: June 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th.
On June 22nd we also have a Fundraiser Show set up in Halifax NS @ Gus’ Pub with Cottus, Dumpster Mummy, Root Cellar and Path. Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Check out the video’s from the first IndieGoGo Campaign.