A list of Bands in Alphabetical order.
40 Minutes to 5:00 |
5 Dai Suspension |
A Code of Silence |
A Man Obsessed |
A Winter Lost |
Abhorrent |
Abysseral Throne |
Adrenalin |
Aedh |
Afterforever |
Aftrr |
Allagash |
Amnesty |
Ancient Reign |
Ancient Thrones |
Anomaly |
Anthesis |
Arcane Threat |
Asphyxiation |
Athymia |
Axiom |
Badseed Overdrive |
Barra Xul |
Beyond Eternal |
Black Frost |
Black Moor |
Black Rain |
Blackest Ruin |
Blind Truth |
Bone Alley |
Bound in Human Flesh |
Brandon St Massacre |
Brethren |
Broken Ohms |
Burning Moon |
Burnt Church |
Category VI |
Cèleanuir |
Cephalectomy |
Certain Death |
Chaos Panic and Disorder |
Chaos Within |
Chaotic Christ |
Chaotic Roots |
Church |
Cicada |
Civil Carnage |
Coffin Birth |
Collapse |
Conrad Simon |
Contagium |
Cottus |
Counter Clockwork |
Creacher |
Cull The Herd |
Dark Shrine |
Dark Sky |
Darkcide |
Darkest Requiem |
Dead For Days |
Deadgaard |
Deadwater |
Deadwood |
Death Valley Driver |
Decima Morta |
Defective Perception |
Degrade |
Demiurgus |
Demonarch |
Demonomancy |
Demons |
Desentia |
Despot |
Detonation |
Detonation |
Devastator |
Devil’s Brigade |
Dichotic |
Dischord |
Don’t Mind The Giant |
Doom Machine |
Dumpster Mummy |
Earth AD |
Ecö-Shöck |
Embers Fade |
Emblem |
Enemy Designed |
Engage the Threat |
Entrafis |
Entropy |
Esthesia |
Existench |
Fathom |
Fear Absolute |
Fear Agent |
Fearsome |
Festered Corpse |
Fifty Feet of Earth |
Fireign |
Fistfight |
Flat Denial |
Flesh Cauldron |
Fleshrott |
Foe |
Forest Soul |
Funeral Fog |
Gallactus 77 |
Glacier Frost |
Glory Ride |
God Impaler |
Gorbage |
Gorged |
Gravel Chewer |
Green Lung Grinders |
Grim |
Gruesome Feast |
Halnova |
Hard Charger |
Hate Division |
Havengrave |
Heavy Doobie |
Hell Death |
Hell on Earth |
Hellacaust |
Helm |
Hemlock |
Hero’s Last Rite |
Hitman |
Hoarder |
Holy Co$t |
Holy Order |
House of Violent Shadows |
Ignightor |
impavid |
Incidium |
Inexoreath |
Infidel |
Infiltrate/Eliminate |
Inmortis |
Inviting End |
Iron Fist |
Iron Giant |
Isabrut |
Janus |
Joy Departed |
Kaos (NB) |
Kaos (NFLD) |
Laid to Waste |
Last Call Chernobyl |
Lawless Haightred |
Legions of Chaos |
Luminance |
Maelstrom |
Malice |
Malice Persistence |
Malixiria |
Manlord |
Mars Creation |
Midmortemtorment |
Midst Of Suffering |
Milice |
Mindless Viscosity |
Mindrip |
Mistwalker |
Monteith |
Morbid Insanity |
Morbid Tales |
Mortal Abyss |
Most Likely Forever |
Moxham Castle |
Napalm Raid |
Necarem |
Necropolis |
Neverdie |
Nexum |
Nidfjoll |
Nightfall |
Nightfall |
Nihilo Machina |
No Man’s Throne |
North-End Metal All-Stars |
Northern Aggression |
Novichok |
Nuclear Vengeance |
Oberon |
Obscene Eulogy |
Obscure Illusions |
Obsidian Reign |
Obsydien |
Orchid’s Curse |
Ord |
Oxygen Chapel |
Paedogoretopsy |
Pagan Hellfire |
Panic and War |
Pantylion |
Paranoia |
Paul Carcass |
Perpetual Mortum |
Persisting Absolution |
Pith |
Positronic Brain |
Power Syndrome |
Primeval |
Proctophobic |
Psychotropy |
Putrid Monstrosity |
Rapid Burial |
Razor Red |
Realms of Despair |
Rebecca’s Grave |
Red Usurper |
Rome Must Fall |
Root Cellar |
Runa |
Rusted Dawn |
Saggoth |
Salvation Front |
Satan’s Realm |
Scumlord |
Sea Witch |
Select and Dismember |
Sensory Deception |
Severance |
Severed Reign |
Shades of Sorrow |
Shevil |
Shitstench |
Siegebreaker |
Sigil of Aeons |
Skinkeeper |
Slaughter of Saints |
Sloth |
Snowfall |
Social Services |
Solace Arcane |
Solemn Passing |
Sombre Mundus |
Soul Devourer |
Souls Adrift |
Spasmodic |
Speed Demon |
Spew |
SpineSplitter |
Spooky Moon |
Spur |
Subliminal |
Sunspeed |
System Shit |
Tempting Tragedy |
Tension Point |
Terminus |
Terratomb |
Test Tube Mutants |
Thaumiel |
The Beckoning |
The Daisy Anthesis |
The Green Lung Grinders |
The Kworms |
The Muted Pitch |
The Rocking Argentos |
Thrawsunblat |
Thy Flesh Consumed |
Tolerance |
Tormented |
Torture Parade |
ToShredsYouSay?!? |
Totentanz |
Tribunal |
Tumor |
Uigg |
Unbidden |
Uncooperative Death |
Universal Paladin |
Upon Ruins |
Utopy |
Vakvnt |
Vanquisher |
Verses |
Versifist |
Verstecktengång |
Vicious |
Volkermord |
Vomitself |
Vorbkt |
Voreaphilia |
Vulgus |
Vyrolakos |
Warren Robert |
Wars of Winter |
Warsick |
Weapon NL |
Whom Gods Destroy |
Witching Hour |
Wizards of Kaos |
Wohedness |
Zaum |